Monday, February 18, 2008

MS Surface Week 4

This is super super cool.
a bit far-fetched and impractical, but a great toy nonetheless.

The feature that really captures my imagination is when u are able to place your devices on the surface and have them send/receive information just be being there! no wires! and how two or more people can access information simultaneously, and multi-task effortlessly.

sounds great.

tons of bugs and kinks to work out though, i'm sure.
i for one, would not like to watch a movie on the surface of a table. it would leave me uncomfortable and a mother of a crick in my neck.

it would be nice if i could sit on the surface, and drag information and school notes etc, into my ass, a week before the exam.

like a great man once said, "don't leave me high, don't leave me dry".

Week 3(ish)

Second life.

I have mixed feelings about it.

The possibilities are limitless, surely. However, with so many powerful corporations and individuals already in on it, and people making REAL money out of their FAKE personas, how come the graphics are so sh*t?

I mean, come on. If river water can be artificially generated to the point where your character causes ripples from his breathing while lying in a prone position with his rifle scope zeroed in on a target 250m away who is smoking a cigarette, then why does second life suck so bad?

room for improvement.

Anyway, i think the concept is very cool. frightens me a little, however. what if we get to the point where we don't even have to leave home to go to work, or watch a concert, or see the museum? what if the whole world LIVED on secondlife? is that going to happen, or is this merely entertainment. who's to say?

ahh well. like i always say, the seagulls will follow the trawler because they think the sardines are about to be thrown into the sea. so you think about that.

Week 2

This week, we learnt about RSS(Really Simple Syndication) in class and saw one or two demonstrations. We saw how your favorite websites can be 'bookmarked' and configured to deliver their most recent updates straight to your computer! And you don't even have to visit the site!

This is possible because the text and headlines are no longer merely static text, but dynamic and interactive. They can be replicated in a different layout, completely customised for your liking. As a result, the first thing you see on your desktop when you start your computer up could be the latest world news in the top right corner, the latest bulletins from the student portal right below it, followed by the breaking news headlines from the world of football, real time! And to the left of that will be an icon that will display whether or not your friends have updated their COM125 blogs with new posts! The possibilities are endless.

I have since started using RSS, and have a rather 'flashy' looking desktop now. Its a lot more fun than a boring wallpaper and a bunch of tacky icons. i love how everything is so much easier to access, and i don't even have to type in the URLs anymore!

Alright, that's about it for this week, catch ya next time!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Week 1

A bit of what we're learning in COM 125 is not very new to me, as i've learnt it in poly.
It was a long time ago, however, and it's nice to have a refresher and to hear those old, familiar terms again like intranet and DNS and Ring networks, etc.

I found the first two lessons interesting and attention-grabbing which is very impressive because i know that topics such as this can be very difficult to teach to a class especially when they do not major in a computing-related science.

it was good integrating a mini-quiz into the lesson because if there's one thing singaporean students love, its a bit of competition and that little quiz woke us up and taught us a few interesting things as well!

I look forward to learning about the elements of the internet which have sprouted up since i was last in school and do not know about yet. RSS is one particular topic that i would really like to find out more about, as i feel it is very relevant to my daily life and can improve greatly how i access information on the internet. or rather, how information accesses me. :)

till next week,


Sunday, January 20, 2008

First Post

so this is the blog and it's been set up.
Week 1 entry will be in soon.